Cloud Backups

What are Cloud Backups?
Simply put, Cloud Backups are backups that are stored in the Cloud (Internet).

Typically, software is used from a Cloud Backup provider that will backup your data files on a regular basis to your storage account with that Cloud Provider.
Most of the software allows you to pick what data folders to backup and how often. After that backups are done automatically.
Cloud Backups have a monthly charge based on the amount of storage you need for your Backup.

What are the benefits of Cloud Backups?
Most importantly, your data is safe in a Cloud Backup from theft or fire. If your computer burns up or is stolen, your data is still accessible in the cloud.
Cloud Backups keep you from having to maintain a backup drive and swap it out on a regular basis, like you should be doing with an On-Site Backup.

That’s pretty much it for Cloud Backups. Be sure and read my post on ‘Backups’ for more information.

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